Legal Information
Legal Form und Legal Representation
The International Academy of Wood Science is a non-profit assembly of wood scientists, recognizing all fields of wood science with their associated technological domains, and securing a worldwide representation.
It is represented by Prof. Stavros Avramidis, President of the International Academy of Wood Science and Prof. Ingo Burgert, Vice-President of the International Academy of Wood Science.
Responsible for contents
Dr. Stavros AVRAMIDIS,
Professor and Department Head
University of British Columbia
Department of Wood Science
2926-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4
Despite careful control of content, we do not accept liabilty for our websites being accurate, complete or up-to-date or for the contents of external links. We distance ourselves expressly from the contents of the linked pages, over the structure of which we have no control. This statement is valid for all of the links on the websites and for all contents of the pages to which the links or banners lead
International Academy of Wood Science
c/o University of British Columbia
Department of Wood Science
2926-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4